Student Life

Get connected and build community

College is about more than just what happens in the classroom. As a University College student, you can take part in a vibrant student life that connects you with other students, with employers, with campus, and with the city.

Join a student organization, celebrate a tradition, share your voice, and explore the city through all the opportunities we have to offer. While you're at it, you can make new friends, expand your network, and develop skills that set you up for success for whatever comes next.

Meet other University College students

Have your voice heard as part of University College Student Council or attend events hosted by the council.

Connect with UCSC

Be a part of the special moments

Don’t miss out on these signature events that celebrate everything it means to be a part of University College.

Discover traditions

Take a trip

Field Trip Fridays take you off-campus to explore career fields and network with employers. See what you can expect work to look like one day.

View upcoming trips

Elevate your experience

If you’re in the Health Professions Program or are a pre-social work student looking to challenge yourself, our honors pathway is for you.

Find out how to apply

Have a say in it all

As a member of the Dean’s Student Advisory Board, you can influence both short-term and long-term decisions about the University College experience.

Learn about the board

Get involved on campus

University College students are active all across campus, taking part in student organizations and attending events.

Engage in campus life

IU Indianapolis

University College

Taylor Hall, Suite 3099
815 W Michigan St
Indianapolis, IN 46202
