- M.A. in Communication, Purdue University
- B.A. in Psychology, Oberlin College
Professional Experience:
- Tenure with the Office of Academic and Career Development: Since October 2016.
- Favorite part about the work you do: I like that I get to make a difference in students’ overall college experience.
- Past jobs and experience: Advisor, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs at University of Wisconsin-Platteville; Interim Director, Multicultural Resource Center at Oberlin College; Director, LGBTQ Affairs and Assistant Director, Multicultural and Diversity Affairs at University of Florida.
Advice to students: I recommend students get involved with something about which they have a lot of passion.
If you could be any major in your cluster, what would it be? Why?
Furniture design because I would get to combine creativity with very practical skills while spending time with creative people.