University College follows the IU Trustees' Teaching Award (TTA) guidelines and selects one award. Individuals must have completed at least three years of full-time service at the rank of lecturer or higher at IU Indianapolis to be eligible. Previous TTA recipients are not eligible to receive the award again until two years have passed since receiving the TTA.
Recipient will be recognized at the Division of Undergraduate Education Spring Awards Convocation and be awarded a $2,500 monetary award.
Selection criteria
The recipient will be selected by a subcommittee comprised of members of the Division of Undergraduate Faculty on the basis of excellence directly related to support for UCOL’s and DUE’s mission and its programs. A strong commitment to University College with a focus on accomplishments during the previous calendar year will inform the selection process. The assessment will be guided by the following (applicants are not expected to demonstrate accomplishment in all areas):
- Outstanding classroom performance in first-year courses
- Teaching that leads to documented student learning in first-year courses
- Curriculum development related to first-year courses
- Innovative pedagogy related to first-year courses
- Mentoring
- Academic advising
- Scholarship of teaching related to first year
- Professional development
- Research related to first year
- Use of academic support resources in teaching
Nomination guidelines
Applicants must be nominated on the basis of demonstrated teaching excellence according to the above criteria. A letter of nomination should be submitted using this link. Nominations should clearly indicate why the award is appropriate and why it should come from University College. A representative from the Institute for Engaged Learning will contact nominees for additional information, including up to three pages reflecting specific teaching accomplishments as well as their Activity Insight. No additional documents (such as chairs' letters or CVs) are needed.
Nominations will be accepted through 5:00pm on February 1. Please use this link to submit a nomination.