When to meet with an advisor
As a new University College student, you’ll meet one-on-one with an advisor during your first semester before registering for future classes. Sometimes, you may be required to meet with an advisor for other reasons besides being a new student. We’ll notify you via your campus email about any advising requirements.
Regardless of advising requirements, meeting with an advisor is helpful for all University College students. Meet early and often to receive the best support for your success!
Why to meet with an advisor
Your student success advisor will build a relationship with you so they can support you holistically as you plan for college and beyond. Consider these common reasons students meet with an advisor:
- Plan your schedule for an upcoming semester
- Parallel plan for multiple academic or career paths
- Understand admission requirements for your degree-granting school
- Release or update a hold before registering for classes
- Register, add, or drop classes
- Explore other major options and update your major
- Review undistributed transfer credit from another institution
- Return to IU Indianapolis after some time away